Southeastern Meter School and Conference

March 17 – 20, 2025
The Hotel at Auburn University – Auburn, Alabama

Registration is Open

General Information

The Southeastern Meter School and Conference will be held at the Hotel at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama. The school is sponsored by the Southeastern Meter Technical Association. It is held in cooperation with Utility Technology Association.

The school provides a forum for electric utility meter personnel to discuss metering practices, procedures, new technologies, and common issues with peers and representatives from industry. The school is open to anyone interested and involved in these areas. The modules are tailored to instruct utility professionals at all levels of experience.

Vendors from all over the country will be present, displaying and demonstrating the latest in technology for the metering and electrical industry.  Take advantage of meeting one on one with the industry experts.

Module 100

Introductory Metering

Module providing instruction in basic metering theory and application. This module will include topics of single phase theory, meter forms, instrument transformers, meter sockets, along with meter installation wiring.

Module 200

Advanced Metering

Module on intermediate metering theory and polyphase meter installation. Topics include polyphase applications, reactive metering, troubleshooting with phasors, sizing current transformers along with metering communications.

Module 300

Meter Testing, Safety & Revenue Protection

Module providing both lecture and laboratory experiences on all aspects of meter testing. Session will include hands on experience in testing everything from simple single phase, polyphase and demand to multifunction meters. Will include sessions with Meter Manufacturers training on their equipment.

Module 400

Smart Grid, AMI and Emerging Technology

Learn about applications and trends of Smart Grid, AMI and emerging technologies. This year you will be able to learn about Meter Analytics & AI in the Meter Shop, Grid Intelligence with AMI, Power Quality & Revenue Metering, Mitigating Risk for AMI Deployment, AMI Exchange Program, Generative AI’s Role in the Electric Utility, New Standard Protocol Matter, AMI Maintenance, and Optimizing Grid Management from AMI.

Module 500

Meter Programming

Module providing hands on of programming meters from the metering manufacturers to gain a better understanding of the software and using it for your metering applications. Laptops will be provided or bring your own.

Both classroom and hands on experience opportunities are included. The courses are designed for participants to select topics they require or have an interest in.

Reference Standard Compare Test

During the school your company will be able to have your Meter Testing Reference Standard tested against a Radian Research NIST traceable 0.01% Reference Standard. The company will receive an electronic “Standard Compare Report” which provides the accuracy of your standard at all common loading conditions.  Radian Research will be located in the Exhibit Hall.

Professional Development Hours

The Southeastern Distribution Apparatus School and Conference will award 18 professional development hours to participants attending the entire school.

Exhibit Hall

The Exhibit Hall will be open Monday through Wednesday. All the suppliers you need to meet will be in one place to answer your questions and demonstrate their products.

Day Participant Program

This provides an opportunity for management (general managers, purchasing agents, operation managers, engineers, etc.) to attend one day for a reduced charge. Come on any day to attend a few classes and explore the exhibit hall.

Location Information

The Hotel at Auburn University
241 South College Street
Auburn, Alabama 36830
Phone: 800-228-2876

Alternate Hotels

The Collegiate Hotel at Auburn

205 South Gay Street
Auburn, Alabama 36830
Phone: 334-821-2646
SE Meter School Rate

Graduate Auburn

202 W Magnolia Avenue
Auburn, Alabama 36830
Phone: 334-752-4100
Group Code: 915

School Info

Planning Committee

Bobby Freeman

Alabama Power Company

Brandy Rojek

Marshall-Dekalb Electric Cooperative

Brennan Wood

Alabama Power Company

Chip Kanour

Utility Specialists, Inc.

Dwayne Miller

MEAG Power

Eric Doolittle

Georgia Power Company

George Johnson

Georgia Power Company

Geri Turner

Utility Technology Association

Jason Killingsworth

Opp Utilities

Jill Goff

Radian Research

Josh Freeman

Diverse Power

Mack Wainwright

Central Alabama Electric Cooperative

Paul Millan

Southern CA Edison – Retired

Mike Chirico

Covington Electric Cooperative

Randall Black

Tri-State Utility Products, Inc.

Suzanne Powell

Utility Technology Association

Sy Schreiner

Alabama Power Company

Tom Ellis

Irby Utilities

Tom Woods

Marietta Power

Designed + taught by industry experts

Utility Technology Association educational programs are unique because they are designed and taught by experts from the electric utilities, equipment manufacturing engineers and consultants. Our instructors combine their understanding of theory with hands on experience. Your personnel receive insightful practical knowledge that they can readily relate to and apply.

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